The People behind Intuitive Interaction
Daniel Ullrich
Daniel Ullrich worked in the field of User Experience and Usability in the research groups of 'Work and Engineering Psychology' and 'Social Psycholgy and Decision Making' at the Technical University of Darmstadt. His research activities cover a wide range of topics around the design and evaluation of interactive products within interdisciplinary and industrial projects. He did a diploma in psychology with computer science as minor subject. In his dissertation he explored the phenomenon of intuitive interaction from a user experience perspective.
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Sarah Diefenbach
Sarah Diefenbach is postdoc researcher in the field of 'User Experience and Ergonomics in Design' at the Department of Industrial Design at the Folkwang University of Arts in Essen, Germany. Her research covers a number of topics around the interplay of psychological and design factors on user experience of interactive products. Before, she worked in the field of 'Psychological Ergonomics' at the Institute for Human-Computer-Media at the Julius-Maximilians University of Würzburg and in the field of 'Economic Psychology and Human-Computer Interaction' at the Department of Psychology at the University of Koblenz-Landau. She did a diploma in psychology with computer science as minor subject at the Technical University of Darmstadt. In her dissertation at the University of Koblenz-Landau she explored the consequences of hedonic and pragmatic attributes on choice and experience of interactive product.
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